Saturday, 14 July 2007

Couch potato

Aaah July vac. Time to do absolutly nothing at all. I have become reaquainted with my old friends couchie and the wise and all knowing Mr T.V. They treat me well and we have a firm relationship. My only notable outings have been to my beach house at Smits and one visit to Tiger Tiger. Ash and I embarked on te night out and at Tiger she demonstrated her amazing disappearing act to perfection, tus leaving me again knowing nobody in the club. Tried to make some friends but was just 'that guy' who tells a good joke and them you bugger off with your 'real' mates. Oh well Cole will be back in CT soon so I will have a drinking buddy that is rather more reliable. Then in just over a week its back to G-town for third term. Wonder how the Candi's diving and skiing adventure is going? Too bad she never blogs any more tisk tisk. As te Xanthe sign off line goes. . . see ya Xanth . . . wait I mean Timmy!

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